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Privateers, Plunder and Piracy in the Elizabethan Age (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1975), pp. 118, 145]. A little surprising that requests The Spanish ambassador about return stolen remained not heard.
Maritime trade invariably was a source of mutinies. After all it always was
It is interfaced to gains, with intercultural and interpersonal contacts, in a course
Which customs, beliefs and interests another's one another people faced and
The people. And influence of these contacts never was unilateral. In force
Features of a trade seamen appeared out of sphere of influence of a family, church and
The government. The professional risk released them of conventions and
Brought up mistrust to actions of the coastal authorities which tried
To regulate maritime trade, without being exposed to its dangers. Thus seamen
Were not a class outcast; among leaders of these marine wanderers were rather
Well-founded both influential merchants and captains. Some, like Drake, a steel
National heroes.
Extralegal character of maritime trade was not, however, simple lawlessness
Separate adventurers who in the seas searched for freedom from the house
Restrictions. With 1500 till 1800 some solid enough part the world
Maritime trade went with infringement of those laws or other states. But also then,
As well as now, for a piracy and contraband on ocean routes were required
The developed overland bases. It was necessary to build and equip vessels, to supply them
Crew and provisions; to weave a canvas and to sew sails; the rope were necessary
The factories which were the last word technicians of that time. On island bases
It was impossible to pour guns, to produce guns and pistols. Illicit and
It was necessary to sell the stolen consignments to negotiants, yes so that they
Could get to legal channels of retail trade then. All it it is impossible
Was to do in isolation from normal maritime trade. Expressly or by implication, but
Knowledge of lawlessness, sharing in it and in its profits should be wide
The extended. Undoubtedly that merchants, ship builders and shopkeepers it is not enough
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