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Tags: inbox icon, avatar buddy icons, benighted icon, glitter name icons, mooninite icons

Here that can happen. As we already saw, Japanese are at heart moderate, economical and hardworking. If their economy fails, they will reduce consumption, begin to work more persistently and will try to export the way of an exit from financial problems. It will mean that they will considerably reduce the prices for everything that make and by that will put the world before necessity too to reduce the prices for the sake of competitiveness preservation. And it in turn means decrease in earnings for the majority of people in the world.

Even if Japan will not go bankrupt, it the economy should solve the same problem which faces to America, France and Germany, it a problem of a considerable quantity of people of advanced age which the smaller group on number of younger generation follows much. How these three economic giants will cope with such test, our economic future in many respects depends.

If we designate working both pensioners as actives and passives we will receive the following picture:

Japan, France, Germany and America today Actives it is a lot of working

Passives Pensioners

In an industrial century working was more than pensioners. Now pensioners live longer and consequently we need to develop that rule, as a society, that is we, will care of our old men.

China faces similar, but other problem. A problem of China - in the law on one child in a family. Here in what their problem in the near future will result:

25 grandsons

Each married couple could count on support of numerous children and grandsons in an old age.

China in birth rate restriction

In some years to this unique grandson, probably, it is necessary to support two parents and four grandmothers and grandfathers. If to extend this compulsory governmental policy to one generation one great-grandson will appear responsible for destinies of two parents, four grandmothers and grandfathers and eight of great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. About intensity of the budget and there is nothing to speak.

Singapore has faced similar difficulty. Birth rate level there so low that the government offers monetary compensations to the spouses, concordant to get still children. In addition to it, the government of Singapore has spent the law obliging the child to bear financial responsibility for parents. In other words, if the child does not support the parents can receive prison term.

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Medical Icons for Vista Medical Icons for Vista has been created to eliminate any misunderstanding arising while viewing a medical webpage or operating a medical software. The icons are available in numerous sizes and formats.

Free Business Desktop Icons Free Business Desktop Icons is a collection of 10 ready icons for use in commercial and personal projects, such as software applications, webpages, blogs, and presentations. The graphics are free for personal, frequent and commercial use.

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