King Icon
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Tags: king online now icon, wobbling icons on, icon not in tray, things icons, converse love icons
Course of growth of riches in the West
Starting attempt to explain economic lifting of the West, it is necessary to begin with
Its most mysterious aspect - from its course.
The developed countries of the West have finished flight from poverty to the relative
To riches in XIX - the XX-th centuries. There were no sharp jumps in volumes of output -
Only the gradual annual growth hardly overtaking rates of increase
Population, growth of the same sort which has begun for the first time in England and
Holland. Even Japan, which successes in development of achievements of the western
The industries became legendary, has come to success in small portions
Annual gain. All these countries needed a lot of time for
Multiplication as population, and volumes of output on soul
The population.
It was so hardly noticeable that the belief, as if fruits has widely extended
Growth get only to the rich. Only in the XX-th century in process of accumulation of riches
In the West it becomes appreciable that growth has brought benefit much. Became obvious,
That the West working class moves to the increasing prosperity that average
The class prospers and becomes more numerous concerning the population in
The whole. No, poverty has disappeared not absolutely. The West has reached not removal of poverty,
But only only its relative reduction from 90 % of the population, to 30 - 20 % or
Even less - depending on the country and that used definition that
Such poverty (and the poverty line all time moved after increase
Riches of company). In the XX-th century as a result of continuous economic growth
The West there was an enormous rupture between its present riches and former
Poverty which is till now destiny of the majority living.
It is possible to allocate the basic innovations - in technology, in economic and
Political life which have made possible this growth. But at all
To impressiveness of separate achievements by the main statistical fact remains
Course of growth. This course partially speaks that when
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