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Tags: eurekas castle buddy icon, luv icons, change icon on desktop, webclip icon size, dance dance revolution icons

Stone and Jeanne it Fawtier Stone, An Open Elite? England 1540 - 1880 (Oxford:

Oxford University Press, 1984)] which have tracked history practically all Large manors in three English counties with 1540 for 1880, grants Wider base for empirical generalisations. [Grafstva Nortgemptonshir,

-- Far from London, on border with Scotland, and Nortgemptonshir - in the middle.

Sample included 2262 holders of 362 houses throughout 340 years.] these manors,

In which the political, social and economic power concentrated Holders, expensive structures, very not cheap represented in Operation. Incomes of lease and of others were spent for their contents The agricultural undertakings as which centre they served, and materials Stones, undoubtedly, testify that on an extent it parts The considered period they prospered. One of three counties, Northumberland, Where the coal-mining industry, most strongly has had development

Illustrates "connection of interests of the earth and money" [in the same place, with. 285]. Stones

Have found out that in three counties for 340 years only in seven cases of manor were

Are sold by successors because of straits, and only in forty two

Cases financial difficulties were one of the reasons [in the same place, with. 157]. Sale

Large estates, the area more than 3000 acres, were rare event [in the same place, with.

171]. In 1880 9/10 largest ground conditions of England still ascended

Roots by times previous industrial revolution [in the same place, with. 220].

[Stones name the period between 1740 and 1860 years "time unprecedented Prosperity of land owners ", (with. 385).]

Almost at the very beginning of the period number of a class of land owners was sharply

It is increased by distribution church and it the earths among court and the maximum

Officers. Stones have found out that after that stability of the large ground

Possession and corresponding families was essentially higher, than it is accepted

To consider. The Earth extremely seldom sold because of financial difficulties; much

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