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Tags: as small icon, free cart icon, creating an icon, vector computer icons, cs4 icon
Sozialokonomie 1918, trans. as Theory of Social Economy (London: T.F. Unwin,
1923; revised edition, London: E. Benn, 1932). - it. It.]). And even in that
Time passionate interest to that we name now principles
To the economic theory bases that became so characteristic for its late
Works. The last circumstance so involved those Mizesa in seminars,
Who stood on other political items and was not interested in the technical
Aspects of an economic theory. Special character to these discussions informed
Presence of such people as Felix Kaufman [Felix Kaufman (1895 - 1949),
The pupil of philosopher Hans Kelzena, taught at the Viennese university and in New
To school of social researches. It has manufactured Methodology of the Social Sciences
(London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1944). An estimation of the scientific
Alfreda Schultz's achievements see in Social Research, vol. 17, March 1950, pp.
1 - 7. - it. It.], were mainly the philosopher, or Alfred Schultz
[Alfred Schultz (1899 - 1959) in 1939 has got over from Vienna to New York, where it
Together with Kaufmanom taught at New school. Its work Der is most known
Sinnhafte Aufbau der sozialen Welt (Vienna: J. Springer, 1932), trans. as The
Phenomenology of the Social World (Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University
Press, 1967). - it. It.], the sociologist, and a number of others about which I still will be
To speak.
Before to tell about group which participated in all these
Discussions, I wish to tell some words about a source of this unshakable
Liberalism which did Mizesa absolutely unique and even lonely - on
Former time as it can seem young, because between it and
The last classical liberals the whole generation has lain. And it is good
It is known that when it began researches has been so attached to idea
Social reforms, as any other young man of its generation. Charles Menger, which
Still taught, when Mizes has started employment, was that classical
The liberal (though I do not think that Mizes attended its lectures [Mizes confirms,
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