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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: icon phoca, inutero images, neatimage noise reduction, images googl eocm, image recovery

Letters of Tais has shown talent of the writer. It seemed to his wife that nothing

Can happen with this clever soldier whom the destiny conducted to the high To takeoff. Only superhuman Alexander's affinity kept it in Shades...

it has returned to the interrupted reading of the letter of Gesiony.

it called her to Babylon, in the house acquired by Nearhom

On the eve of its departure. Alexander has called it to the aid of other seaman -

India to those limits of the world on the brink of ocean to which it was not possible

To reach through steppes. Behind enormous mountains Parapamiza and Hindu Kush

The river Indus somewhere in the west merging with Nile proceeded. Further on the south

In total in several thousand stages there were land limits.

it it was for a long time forgave with Gesionoj. "Also imagine... - Tais

Has mentally heard modulating laughter of Gesiony... - the latest news from

It is a little..."

"To me too, probably, it is necessary to give up hope of fast returning - and most to take care of tutors of the son ", - Tais has thought and Has fast run the letter end. It wrote about under construction in Babylon

The big theatre. For acceleration of delivery of materials Alexander has ordered

To break and take down a tower of Etemenanki, having committed barbarity, for the true

- inconceivable even if the tower has been hardly damaged by time.

Alexander's created by Lisippom the statue, is delivered in a court yard of one of

Temples. There were priests of a new cult, make before it divine service...

Hiding the letter under a dagger, Tais long time sat in meditation, listening to a wind

In rigid foliage of the trees shading a terrace. It was sharply straightened, has struck

In a silver disk, on east manners calling the slave, also ordered to bring Accessories to the letter.

"The first year of the hundred thirteenth Olympic Games. It, rejoice. It is thought,

It is necessary to you to arrive to Ecbatana here again to expect returning of army from

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