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- to it has not answered: it together with the public prosecutor has been deepened in
Examining of a frock coat, drawers, waistcoat and peak-cap, also was visible that both
They have very much become interested in survey: "do not stand on ceremony At all", has flashed at
- , "even politeness necessary do not observe".
-- I of races ask in the second time: it is necessary or not remove a shirt? -
He has spoken even more sharply and more irritably.
Nikolay Parfenovich. At least Meath so it seemed.
Between the inspector and the public prosecutor there was meanwhile a careful meeting
In a low voice. Have appeared on a frock coat, especially on left a field, behind, huge
The stains of the blood which has faded, hardened and not so still the kneaded. On drawers
Too. Nikolay Parfenovich, besides, with own hand, at presence
Understood, has passed fingers on a collar, on cuffs and on all seams of a frock coat and
Drawers, obviously, something finding, - it is final money. The main thing not
Hid from Miti of suspicions that it could and was capable to sew up money in
Dress. "It directly as with the thief instead of as with the officer", he has grumbled about
Itself. Informed one another the thoughts at it to strangeness frankly.
Serving, has paid attention of Nikolay Parfenovicha to a peak-cap, which
In the summer the salary went to receive on all office, and having returned, has declared that
Has lost in a state of intoxication, - so where have found? Here in these most it, in
To peak-cap-with, hundred-ruble have been curtailed by tubules-with and in it are sewn up ". The fact
With Gridenkoj very much remembered both the inspector and the public prosecutor, that is why also to Mitin
Peak-cap have postponed and have decided that it it should be revised then
Seriously, and it a dress.
-- Allow, - Nikolay Parfenovich has screamed suddenly, having noticed the screwed
Inside the right cuff of the right sleeve of a shirt of Miti, all filled in with blood, -
Allow-with, it as, blood?
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Large Weather Icons represent a number of weather conditions typical in software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images are available in all resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile devices. The largest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily available and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.
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