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People Icons for Vista
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 People Icons for Vista

Festival with Shadow Icon Images

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Festival with Shadow icon
Festival with Shadow Icon
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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: all icons in windows xp, shevchenko images, partimage lvm2, coded images, html td background image

Whence... Can directly in air... The sound was born. It was similar to a horn sound. And, besides, the drumbeat was heard. Or it was the chorus of voices sounding monotonously? I never heard such sound earlier. I have involuntarily jumped from an armchair, and having grasped hands its back, widely opened eyes peered at a hall gloom, trying to define, this sound whence proceeds.

It has repeated three times. Last time a sound has come whence from apart, I even have solved, the echo is what is it simple. The gloom with which the light of inscriptions over a fireplace could not overcome even, all was condensed.

I had a sensation that this fortress where I have entered, began to vary somehow. Though I could not see anything in a gloom, I felt that round me something occurs. I began to compress an armchair back so that acute angles ran to me into palms. Darkness became impenetrable. I fell... Or flied... Or me dragged... Somewhere in other place - and can during other time - whence it was impossible to run.

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; Probably, this blackness has been called by any sorcery and when I have regained consciousness, I have understood that all it was not a dream though I very much would like that it was a dream. I sat in an armchair at a table but when I have looked at a hall has seen that it is filled by someone. I tried to consider those who was in a hall, but all of them seemed hazy and I could not consider them clearly. Before my eyes there were only vague outlines of figures, yes pale dim colour stains. I could not consider any person. I had a sensation that many that were in a hall, resembled me, but among them there were also other forms of a body unfamiliar to me - some beautiful, some ugly. But all of them friendly communicated among themselves.

It was clear that in a hall festival in any solemn occasion. I have more likely felt it, than have heard. In a hall any sounds were heard, but they were a little similar to voices. More likely it reminded a rustle of waves on sandy coast.

I have bent forward, trying to consider the one who sat before me. I to a pain in eyes peered at it. Then I have turned to the right. Near to me the woman in a dress of amber colour sat. But its person was for me an indistinct stain. When I have looked to the left has seen that mine the neighbour the man, but is more I could tell than nothing about him.

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