Engineer Icon
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Tags: image softwer, plit image, pruritus images, rounded corners on images, imagemagick get color
As much.
- Stop! - has raised a hand it in the white dressing gown, sitting in the first
To row of seats for experts in command item. The feast has learnt it, it was
- which together with Drazhanom Chukichem represented to an iks-command
Plasma pistols in January. - and to anybody the thought did not come to a head,
What it can use other robots, rather than cyberdisks?
Recollect that unknown animal from Lima!
One of advisers for strategy with doubt has shaken a head:
- Doubtfully. We know that both races of newcomers use
The same equipment and the weapon, and, seemingly, absolutely identical
The fighting and prospecting ships. From what it to use robots
Speaking, doubtfully. And it is not enough that from it remains if to speak
- But we have got data on other robot from the captured engineer,
The biped. We named it it, unless you did not get acquainted with the report
Technical group?
- Got acquainted, - the expert unperturbably has answered. - it is possible you and
Are right, Sender. I personally am sceptical about your ideas, but
To consider them, unconditionally, it is necessary. Mark, tell, please about the second
The robot.
- Well, - it Torens has caused on the screen of the portable computer,
Standing near to the video gauge that transmitted the image on the screen
"The ranger", corresponding section. - the biped fighting robot, conditional
The name "it", maneuverable, fast and equipped with the powerful weapon
The car. On preliminary estimations, is more dangerous, than a cyberdisk.
To tell the truth, cyberdisks at all have not seemed dangerous, so,
Field investigators have frostily begun to make a racket.
- And so, this strangest that has occurred till now. Such
Impression that they too are not programmed to perceive yet
People, as opponent. They are capable considerably on it, than
It was possible to see in four missions. And it not mere words. It,
In our opinion, the most powerful weapon accessible to newcomers.
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