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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
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Tags: image indexing, nataraja images, mario kart wii gold wheel icon, people exercising images, royalty free stock imagery

And each hour spoke to itself: "you the thief, you the thief!" Yes I because also raged in

This month, because also fought in a tavern, because and the father has beaten that felt

Itself the thief! I even Aleshe, to my brother, was not decided and have not dared to open about

These one and a half thousand: before felt that the rascal and it! But know, That while I carried, I at the same time every day and each my hour spoke

To itself: "Is not present, Dmitry Fedorovich, you can be also not the thief". Why? And

Just because you can go and give these one and a half thousand to Katya tomorrow.

And here yesterday only I was decided to break mine it from a neck, going from Feni to

- , and till that minute it was not decided, and has just broken, a same minute

There was already definitive and indisputable thief, the thief and the disgraceful person on all

Life. Why? Because together with it and my dream to go to Katya and

To tell: "I the rascal, instead of the thief" have broken off! Understand now, understand!

-- Why you on it were decided last night? - Has interrupted was Nikolay Parfenovich.

-- Why? Ridiculously to ask: because has condemned itself to death, in five

O'clock in the morning, here at a dawn: "After all it it is equal, has thought, to die the rascal

Or noble! "And so is not present, not it it has equally appeared! Whether trust,

Misters, not that, not that tormented me most of all this night that I

The old man-servant has killed, and what Siberia, and still when threatened? When has crowned

My love and the sky has opened to me again! About, it tormented, but not so; it not

How this damned consciousness that I have broken at last about these breasts damned

Money and them has spent, and so already the thief definitive! About,

Misters, I repeat to you with heart blood: much I have learnt this night! I have learnt,

That not only to live the rascal it is impossible, but also to die the rascal it is impossible...

No, misters, it is necessary to die fairly!.

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