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People Icons for Vista
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 People Icons for Vista

Chinese Cook with Shadow Icon Images

Chinese Cook with Shadow Icon

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Chinese Cook with Shadow icon
Chinese Cook with Shadow Icon
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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: scrow icons, whiteboard images, czuchry icons, tim tebow images, sexocean images

It was reconciled with it when was the boy. It was reconciled and in days of Great

Depressions when lived in New York. When in 1956 the first wife with two Sons have left me then I already have given up as a bad job the employment

Painting, I and itself began to search for loneliness, and it to find not difficultly. Eight

Years I lived the eremite.

Anything to itself a job all day long for the old man - the invalid, and?

x x x

But the friend at me all the same is, and he/she is my friend, only mine. The writer the Floor

It absolutely alone in the house in the neighbourhood with my former house in Springs.

I speak - spends the night, because since morning it almost every day at me.

Likely, he and now somewhere here, observes of game in tennis, or, sitting on

To coast, that looks at the sea, and, can, plays with the cook in maps, or,

Having hidden from everything, the book reads there, behind a potato barn, where

Anybody also will not come.

In my opinion, he any more does not write anything. And I - spoke already - have absolutely thrown

To be engaged in painting. Though it would outline in a notebook lying below at

Phone, and that is not present. However, I several weeks ago have caught myself just for

This employment so you that think? - Purposely the pencil has broken, has pulled down it

In two, has precisely pulled out a sting at the poisonous viper who was going to me

To bite, and has thrown fragments in a garbage basket. x x x

The Floor does not have money. Four-five times a week he has supper at me, and in the afternoon

Will intercept something, having glanced in my refrigerator, from a bottle with juice

Will pull, in general, its basic supporter - I. Many times at supper I spoke To it:

- You would sell the house, the Floor, money would be got on pocket expenses,

Also move here, and? Here place a great lot! I do not marry any more and girlfriends not

I will get, and you hardly. God you mine! To whom are we necessary? A couple of the drawn

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