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Tags: psycho realm images, lovemyspace icons, icons lj, true image 6.0, image photographics
Has found, in speed. It after all a drawn game was, it after all was a drawn game! - explained
It, fast turning around to the shtabs-captain, to its spouse, to Aleshe and then
Again to Iljushe, - it was at Fedotovyh on boondocks, has got accustomed was there, but
Those did not feed her, and it fluent, it it from village... I it and
Has found... You See, the old man, it then your piece, means, has not swallowed.
If has swallowed, so certainly would die, after all it is final! Means,
Has had time to spit out, if now it is live. And you also have not noticed that it has spat out.
Has spat out, and language to itself it has pricked, here paternal then has begun to squeal.
Ran and squealed, and you and thought that she has absolutely swallowed. It should
Very to squeal, because at a dog very gentle skin in a mouth... More gently, than
At the person, much more gently! - exclaimed violently Kohl, with inflamed and with
The person shining from delight.
- also could not speak. He looked on Kohl big and somehow
Awfully rolled out eyes, with the opened mouth and having turned pale as a cloth. And
If Krasotkin not suspecting anything as it is painful only knew and
Terribly such minute could influence health of the sick boy,
For what would not be decided to throw out such piece what has thrown out. But in a room
Understood it there can be only one Alesha. That to the shtabs-captain, it
All as though has addressed to the little boy.
-- it! So this Zhuchka? - He cried out a blissful voice. -
- , after all it is Zhuchka, your Zhuchka! The mammy, after all is Zhuchka! - It hardly
Did not cry.
-- And I also have not guessed! - Smurov has sadly exclaimed. - Ah yes
- , I said that it will find Zhuchku, here and has found!
-- Here also has found! - someone has joyfully responded still.
-- Good fellow Krasotkin! - the third voice has rung out.
-- The good fellow, well done - all boys have cried and have started to applaud.
-- Yes stand, stand, - Krasotkin endeavoured to outvoice all: - I to you
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