Alien with Shadow Icon
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- It is ready! it! - It has brought a disk to light, having given to it ought
Position that light was reflected directly in the looking.
Both professors have involuntarily shuddered. From depth absolutely
The transparent layer, increased by an unknown optical shift to the
The natural sizes, at them has looked strange, but it is doubtless
Human face. In the unknown way the image has been made
Relief, and the main thing - is unusual, improbably live.
It seemed, the live being looks, separated only the transparent
Wall of an optical lens. And first of all, suppressing all the others
Impressions, in an emphasis looked enormous prominent eyes. They were as
Lakes of eternal secret of the universe, penetrated by mind and intense will,
Two powerful beams aspiring forward, through a glass barrier,
In infinite distances of space.
In these eyes there was light of immense courage of the reason understanding
Ruthless laws of the Universe, fighting tormently and pleasures of knowledge.
And sights of scientists of the Earth, having crossed to this extraordinary look,
Looking from a chasm of times, have not fallen in confusion. It and
Davidov was penetrated by a joyful celebration. The thought let scattered on
It is inaccessible the worlds far from each other, was not lost without a trace in
Time and space. No, existence of a life was pledge
Final victory of thought over the Universe, pledge of that in the different
Corners of world space there is a great process of evolution,
Formation of the higher form of a matter and creative job of knowledge...
Having overcome the first impression of looking eyes of the star
The newcomer, scientific steels to consider his face.
Did not seem ugly or disgusting. Mighty, wide and convex
The forehead bore in itself so much intellectual, human, no less than
Surprising eyes that they suppressed unusual outlines of the bottom
To itself were unpleasant, but could not destroy sensation that the unknown
The being was close to the person, clear and not alien.
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