Sales Report Icon
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Tags: computer icons images, windows xp icons transparent, dvbepg icons, mini animated icons, infranview icon
To the politician and in the market identical criteria, the company detaining acted
Introduction of innovations for achievement of the political consent, will be all
It is more and to lag behind company which does not do it more. But criteria and
Cannot be identical as the method of verbal decision-making is
Not simply procedural reception. He assumes that advantages of an innovation
Are clear enough and predicted, so that they can be formulated in advance and with
Such persuasiveness that no experiments also will be necessary. Doubtfully,
That many of the major organizational innovations of the West (or any other
Companies) could overcome political resistance at such criteria.
At all dignities of political methods of decision-making, their introduction in
Sphere of economic relations would turn back excessively expensive
Slowing down of economic growth of the West.
The organizational experiments, played the big role in development of the western
Economic institutes, were rather special type of experiments - they were
Are focused on profitableness of the enterprises acting on the capitalist
The market. The enterprises accepted or rejected the offered organizational
Changes according to the estimations of expected costs and sales.
Changes got accustomed and extended, if the enterprises which have introduced them
Survived and grew, as well as happens to paying concerns on
The capitalist markets. Thanks to it successful experiments itself
Duplicate: they replace former forms of the organisation without delay on the verbal
Debate. When instead of a failure or success of organizational experiment
There are political criteria, probability of introduction of new forms of the organisation
And removal former sharply decreases.
Comparing two economic systems, one in which the market is used
The approach to acceptance or a deviation of organizational innovations, and other, in
To notice that the last is doomed to backlog in the course of introduction of innovations,
Also will reject quite often all that is capable to raise level of the material
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