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Letter Icon Images

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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: chicklet icons, icon png, icon sport com, adult icons, hybernate icon

Kind that considers difficult it hieroglyphs and snakes.

Has looked at own palm, as though being surprised, why it Has come to be in such big hand.

Very soon Vir Norin knew all. It An, or Sju it, has arrived from Tail hemisphere, from a city unknown to the astronavigator, where on To it it was impossible for any important reasons (he did not begin to ask) More to remain, has arrived to capital to the brother working on the foundry Factory. The brother - unique who was at Sju it on light, it dreamt

To arrange it in capital, to learn to singing and dances. At success it could

To become "it". It was usual dream of the brother, selflessly Liking sister, - the phenomenon not frequent in families it. For some reason The brother above all would like, that Sju it lived long, though it

Itself it has appeared is incapable to get necessary education, for this purpose

To become "it".

While Sju it reached capital, the brother has received a serious trauma

On manufacture, and it before term have sent to the Palace of Gentle Death. Pity property and, the main thing, savings which it postponed, expecting Arrival Sju it, neighbours have taken away. Before death it has sent Sju it

The farewell letter, knowing that after arrival it will go on post office to receive

The instruction as it to find in capital. And here... Sju it has stretched the yellow


- How you intend now to arrive? - Has asked Vir Norin.

- I do not know. The first thought was to go to the Palace of Gentle Death, but

There will find that I am too young and healthy, and will send somewhere,

Where will be worse, than there, whence I have arrived. Especially therefore... It

Was restive.

- What are you beautiful?

- Tell better: I call desire.

- It is really difficult to find the kind person in such city and To ask for it the help?

Sju it has looked at the earth dweller with a regret shade.

- Really, you from apart, maybe, from woods, what, Speak, still grow in ridges of Red Mountains and the Cross-section range.

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