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It was the vertical plate from any black substance in height about three and width about one and a half metres. It ominously reminded Flojdu a huge gravestone. Its form was absolutely symmetric, sides are sharp, and black colour is so deep that the plate, appear, absorbed all light beams falling on it. A surface - absolutely equal and smooth. Also it was impossible to understand, from what it is made - of metal, a stone, plastic or from a material, absolutely not known to the person.
- it-1, - has almost reverentially proclaimed Majklz. - Looks, as if only yesterday it is made, truly? The right, I at all do not condemn those who has decided that it exists all some years. But I never shared these opinions, and now we can establish age of anomaly quite precisely on the basis of the local geological data. My colleagues and I, doctor Flojd, are ready to warrant the scientific reputations that it-1 has no relation to mankind because when this monolith has been dug, mankind did not exist at all. The matter is that to it about three million years. Before you the first proof of existence of a reasonable life out of the Earth.
Chapter 12
Trip by the light of the Earth
(Area of microcraters.) It is stretched to the south from the centre of a visible side of the Moon, to the east from the Central region of craters. Abounds with craters of the shock origin, many of them significant diameter, including the greatest on the Moon. To the north some the destroyed craters form the Sea of Rains. A surface almost everywhere crossed, except for a bottom of some craters. A surface relief mainly inclined, with a prevailing steepness of 10-12 degrees; a bottom of some craters almost horizontal.
From "the Special engineering description of a surface of the Moon", it.
Prospecting service of Management of the chief of engineering armies.
The Earth - shining it, hung in northern part of a firmament was the first of them. Light which is given vent by this huge disk, in tens times was brighter than colour of the complete Moon: the surface lighted up by it as if itself let out a cold green-blue luminescence. The weak pearl light, a cone dispersing because of horizon in east part of a firmament was the second unusual phenomenon. The more close to horizon, the it as if prompting became brighter, what mighty centre of a flame is hidden behind a lunar disk. On the Earth people could observe pale beauty of this light only in rapid seconds of a complete solar eclipse. That was the solar crown - a harbinger of a lunar dawn warning that is fast this lifeless surface will singe the heat the Sun.
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