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- Tell, Fisher, - has taken an interest in Dzharlou, - whether is casual during these conversations and seminars was mentioned, what is the time it is required on transformation?
Fisher has made a helpless gesture.
- I do not know, doctor Dzharlou. Estimate is better. It will be more exact.
- Well. Two years has left on that the Rotor has reached the Near star - certainly if it in general has reached. Remains thirteen years. We will assume, all Rotor consisted only of the dry seaweed, all this seaweed has got to planet ocean where they lived, grew and bred, allocating thus oxygen. That the atmosphere structure became such what it now - by my estimations, there about 18 % of oxygen and only traces it carbon, - is required, possibly, some thousand years, in especially favorable conditions - some centuries, in in any case in any way thirteen years. Besides, terrestrial seaweed is adapted for terrestrial conditions. On other planet they can not grow or grow at all very slowly, do not adapt yet for new conditions. For thirteen years considerably to change structure of atmosphere of a planet it is impossible. It seemed, arguments of Dzharlou have not made on Fisher the slightest impression.
- To it my assumption also is reduced, - Dzharlou has answered.
- While we should accept your assumption as a working hypothesis, - has interrupted dispute of Vendel. - So, we believe that on the companion there are photosynthesizing plants. However, it at all does not mean that a planet colonized it; they could not reach at all this star system.
Such conclusion in any way did not suit Fisher. It is underlined officially it has addressed to the captain:
- I do not know, - has uncertainly noticed Merri Blankovits. - In my opinion, it is almost excluded that the vegetation of this planet had at least minimum nutritional value for the person. I doubt, that the human body could digest it, and even if it so most likely it not in condition to acquire the digested local plants. I could argue on everything that they are poisonous. At last, if here there are plants should be and animals. We have no concept that it for the animal.
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