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Tags: make your own animated icon, change windows folder icons, text icon maker, icon by esel, x 10 icon
vol. 3, 1931, and also "Eine Bibliographie der allgemeinen Lehrgeschichten der
Natioanlokonomie ", ibid, vol. 5, 1933 (a latest work in the co-authorship with
Oscar Morgenshternom. - it. It.] When later it has had an opportunity
Thanks to the Rock Fellerovsky grant longer to work in Paris and, apparently, in
Italy, it became passionate and very legible collector of books, and in its centre
Interests there was a history of economic thought more and more. Happens so,
That in the beginning of its stay in Paris I could acquaint him with antiquaries,
Specialising in this area. Only after his death I have learnt,
How much effectively it used these acquaintances. I could acquire from it
Widows small, but excellent meeting of the French economic works
XVIII-th century, and this meeting is now stored in university of Salzburg school
Jurisprudence and political sciences as a part of my own library.
Interest of Shamsa to history of economic thought had the main reason interest to
Methodology of an economic science [works of Shamsa "Die Zweite see
Nationalokonomie ", Archiv fur Sozialpolitik, vol. 64, 1930, and
"Wirtschaftlogik", in the journal of Shmollera Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung
und Volkswirtschaft im Deutschen Reich, vol. 58, 1934 - it. It.]. Its force
In this area consisted not so much in understanding of the philosophical parties of a question,
How many in acquaintance to various theoretical schools, first of all with
German - and French-speaking authors. Certainly, it was familiar and with the English
Works, but first of all it was taken by development on continent. After emigration
The majority of colleagues [about this emigration see Earlene Craver, "The Emigration of
the Austrian Economists ", op. cit., pp. 1 - 32, and also the Prologue to it. I in it
The edition - it. It.], it, apparently, has appeared in isolation. Between the publication
Articles in the late twenties and in the early thirties and the publication of the big essay 1950
Year which, perhaps, has been written much earlier, the failure gapes. To us not
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