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Logic of disintegration of the USSR and administrative-territorial structure of Russia
Apparently from resulted above schemes, administrative-territorial division
The USSR was rather logical. The conflicts connected with relations
Authorities (including the CPSU device) where dared with big or smaller
Success. However volume of resources which could be alienated and distributed,
Gradually decreased as owing to exhaustion of resources, and that
Controls of all concerning underlaying levels have found ways
"Avoiding" of performance of plans of production and its deliveries
To the state.
The most administrative-territorial device, almost invariant
Concerning ideological and political colouring of the conflicts accompanying
Its disintegration.
For the description of relations in hierarchy of administrative and territorial units
Let's consider its extremely idealised scheme which is switching on only the nominal
Designations of these units: Russia - republics - areas (edge) - cities -
Areas - settlements (Village Soviets). Each element more a high rank switches on
The element of the lowest rank also represents its interests to itself before an element
The higher in relation to it of a rank. Direct relations between non-adjacent levels
Hierarchies are excluded.
Now we will assume that narrowness of communication between adjacent elements it and
Relations between non-adjacent elements became possible. Such communications have arisen in
The beginning of reorganisation in connection with legalisation of ideology of increase
Administrative rank, when controls territories with the low
Ranks have started "to leave directly" on the allied or republican authorities,
Defending the right to increase of an administrative rank. Communications "through
Level "can be described a cycle of relations between elements
The administrative-territorial division, presented by the next columns and
Switching on three variables.
To two another),
To the centre.
Administrative-territorial it.*
Before relation reorganisation between elements were linear and it is strict it.
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