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The basic property of the economic systems which have arisen in Europe with decline
Communications with any principles, except for economic efficiency and
Survival rate. Economic lifting of the West became possible thanks to system,
Developed before it has been realised as system or has received the justification
As ideology. There was a set of ideological attachments to
To corresponding ideas and institutes - to a private property, freedom from
Any confiscation or the taxation, etc., but there was no ideology,
As which basis the role of these institutes would serve in accurately outlined system
Economic life. Such position was saved till 1776, when Adam Smith
Has given a regular substantiation of ideology of non-interference, but by this moment
The basic institutes of the western economy already have quite developed, and process
Economic growth has been started. Actually, if at the West in the first
One-two centuries of its economic growth also was any economic
Ideology it there was a mercantilism, later it is so passionate and eloquent
Rejected by Adamom Smith. Neither the Communistic manifesto, nor the Capital (volume I) not
Used the term capitalism though in 1877 Marx has used it in the
To correspondence. The Oxford dictionary of English language marks the first use
It in 1854 Tekkereem who so has designated conditions of possession of the capital.
For a designation of economic system for the first time the term has been used in 1884
To year in the book of Due the Best times. In the end of a XIX-th century Marx's followers
They used this term as a contemptious designation of system, which
Intended to destroy. Inventors of the term did not put in it
The rational contents; nevertheless, defenders of economic system of the West
Have decided that dignities of the term justify insubordination to the rule, in
Conformity with which it is not necessary to use terminology of the opponents.
For a designation of the western system of an economy the term the mixed more approaches
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Large Weather Icons represent a number of weather conditions typical in software, weather Web sites, and mobile gadgets. The images are supplied in typical resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile platforms. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel icons with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.
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