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But alas, the majority of chiefs just it also do not do, and, hence, creation of commands it not too is possible. They aspire to keep control of everything, considering that a unique way correctly to perform job — in executing it independently; they and at all consider the decision of problems of interpersonal dialogue as time waste.
So, we have appeared before a dilemma: how it is possible to rally separate people in effectively working command if to take into consideration, what representatives of those types who not too succeed in command job have special propensity to supervising job just? Its decision consists in using those advantages which are found out by such heads, and to appeal to their advanced sense of responsibility.
But before we will consider the problem in details, let's establish in brief as owners of each of eight preferences approach to command job.
«Let's get on with each other is an order!»
Hardly probable it is possible to form the team only owing to one only will of the chief. Besides very many here depends on the chief concerns what type.
For example, when supervising posts it is possible to reach it, it happens very uneasy to organise the command because they do the basic emphasis on the command, instead of that it should execute. Differently, the command spirit can prevail over working capacity.
Let's consider the following case: one general manager, ESFJ, has decided that all company management turn to the command and should is effective to work in harmony atmosphere. He declared that all decisions should be accepted from a consensus and it will help each participant of the command to bring the contribution to a common cause and to feel own importance.
Here quite worthy and educated decision! But the problem consisted that anybody simply did not see in it necessity. And, as it is amusing, members of team have felt that the decision on collective decision-making has been imposed them and that nobody consulted on them. So in actual fact this decision has called only resistance and protests. Business was not that subordinates did not approve aspiration of the general manager to form the team — they only considered that there is no sense to impose them this measure which besides should not be reflected in labour productivity in any way.
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