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Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 20x20, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: datrek icon golf bag, icons black squares, icon file size, icon missiong, icon single oven

- The worst scenario - we cannot change an orbit of Cali. You really are going to burn all fuel to a drop and to allow "Goliath" to be lost too? How many tons of fuel are required to us to leave into a safe orbit, let even a tangent?

Captain Singh has gloomily smiled.

- If to calculate end-to-end, about ninety.

- I am glad that you have already considered it. Ninety tons will not have the slightest significance for Cali - or for the Earth, - but they could rescue our skins.

- It agree. It be no point to lose a life - and to add ten thousand tons to hammer blow. Yes ten thousand tons will be not too appreciable against two billions. - good argument, but I doubt that it correctly will understand on the Earth when we will tell "forgive, children", safely being carried by by.

Long and awkward silence has hung. Then captain Singh has reacted:

- All life I tried to adhere to one rule. Never waste time, taken away for a dream, on the decision of problems which are not subject to you. If the Space patrol does not grope other decision, we know that should do. If it is impossible, our fault here is not present.

- Very logically, but you start to broadcast, as David. The logic not too helped us after we have understood that Cali will make with the Earth.

- Let's hope that all these conversations on a doomsday - waste of words. And if we cannot force to believe them that the Earth will be rescued, many there will go mad.

- Already have descended. A bean. You saw statistics of suicides for the last quarter? Now it has fallen, but think of panic, infringements of a public order which are possible in the nearest some months. The Earth could be lost, even if Cali without any harm would be carried by by.

The captain has nodded - too vigorously as though tried to dismiss unpleasant thoughts.

- Give for a minute we will forget about the Earth if we can. You looked, what will be our orbit after we will pass by it?

- Certainly. What in it such?

- It it lies just in an orbit of Merkurija. Only 0,35 astronomical units from the Sun. "Goliath" intended for actions in area between Mars and Jupiter. Whether the ship with such thermal load - in two hundred times above normal can cope?

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Business Icon Set Business Icon Set is a library of fine-looking ready-made icons for use in programs and on websites. They are delivered in a variety of formats, sizes and color schemes.

Large Weather Icons Large Weather Icons represent a number of weather conditions that are common for software, weather portals, and mobile gadgets. The icons come in all sizes standard to Windows, Mac OS, and mobile devices. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel images with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily available and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.

Animal Desktop Icons This icon library brings you a number of icons in high quality and resolution. They are great to be used for personal desktop customization, for application icons, web, or even as toolbar icons.

Large Home Icons Large Home Icons set presents images for all the kinds of homes, buildings, architectural decorations and houses you can think of. This pack had beed professionally designed to present bright colored matching icons for any architecture or map application.

Large People Icons Large People Icons will make a perfect addition to any product. This stylish icon pacl depicts all the various professional and social roles you can imagine. The icons are crafted by professional artists and provide the best possible quality.