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File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: icon werk, and down arrow icons, free icons sets, new project icon, speeddial icons
Were distinguishable already before the publication of the General theory of employment, percent and money, and
Careful management of economic processes (for what it is necessary is better
To know specific results of effect of certain actions) conducted to
To attempts to use the accessible statistical information as base for
Forecasting. These attempts leant against the certain methodological
Belief of that type that originally scientific theory should give the chance
Predictions also that there should be a possibility for revealing
Interdependence between quantitative changes it the modular
Indicators. I already noticed that, from my point of view, much more modest
The theory still can be checked, i.e. can be denied the actual
Supervision; here I can add only that so defined to me
The following conclusion is represented - these ambitious purposes are unattainable. It is impossible
To deny, however, that if it was possible to establish that some of the such
Communications are more or less stable on long spaces of time,
Possibility to predict, so also utility of an economic theory, hardly
Would grow. I am not assured that for the last 25 years, despite all applied
Efforts, in this direction it was possible to reach much. It is represented to me that in
Final analysis it will be revealed that as a whole such constant dependences
Form by certain microeconomic conditions so, we can
To judge, whether the quantitative communications found us will be saved in the future
Between modular indicators, only leaning against microeconomic analysis
Situations. Hence, it is possible to expect that in the future a new push to development
Microeconomic theory it will be created by requirements of the macroanalysis.
Probably, it is necessary to add that the obvious observed recently
Absence of interest to the microtheory at young economists is generated by the defined
The macrotheory form. Keynes developed it, mainly, as an employment theory,
Proceeding, at least right at the beginning, from the assumption of availability
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Large Weather Icons depict different weather conditions that are common for software, weather portals, and mobile gadgets. The icons are available in all resolutions standard to Windows, Mac OS, and other platforms. The biggest versions are huge 512x512 pixel images with vector sources in Adobe Illustrator (.ai) format easily affordable and ready to be printed or used in presentations in highest quality.
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