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The invulnerability distance is distance from which you cannot get the person blow. Usually it makes one and a half length of the case. Strictly speaking, this distance depends on length of feet, mobility of joints, their corners and many other things. As already it was above told, I do not believe in high blows by feet a la Chak Noris. Real blows by feet pass only on bottom, at most, on an average level.
Here also imagine a distance from which the person can without it put you a kick, or that from which without moving, simply having inclined forward the case, it can get you thumbs up. Now add to this distance of centimetre two-three, and you receive an invulnerability distance. In other words, on such distance from the opponent you for it are simply impregnable. If you and on this distance all the same feel some fears, they it no more than groundless fear which should overcome. Learn to feel distances on which you are impregnable for different people.
And more one council. Represent more often, as you destroy the opponent. We will admit, you go along the street. Towards to you it people. And you easy estimate, as though you have destroyed, say, that which have swallowed it it, or it, humanoid with it claws... Such imperceptible training if it is spent persistently enough, and will result you in the necessary form of alertness. In other words, constantly study analogues. Only so you will manage to become the present fighter for this study is the most important tool for ability development to feel a distance.
And now I will tell to you how to leave from shots at a short distance. Basically the technics of such leaving is extremely simple. What is necessary to escape a shot? it First of all to begin the leaving simultaneously with movement of a forefinger of the opponent lying on a trigger hook, even hardly earlier. Here we closely resemble to a certain section of irrational psychology which I have once named motor semitelepathy.
Then, it is necessary to feel still where, the weapon trunk is directed to what part of a body, the bullet will stick into which place in an instant. The last is necessary correctly to select a way of leaving from a shot. We will admit, it is not meaningful to make a throw all over when it is necessary to remove a foot simply. Or, on the contrary, it is not necessary to jerk once again feet when enough slightly to reject a head.
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