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There itself was, "because it is their it a debt".
-- Whether you understand that there is a debt? - He has addressed to Marfe Ignatevne.
-- About a debt I understand, Grigory Vasilevich, but what to us here a debt, that
To us here to remain, that I will understand nothing, - Marfa has answered firmly
-- Also do not understand, and it so will be. Henceforth be silent. And left: they have not left, and
Feodor Pavlovich has nominated as it the salary, small, and the salary paid.
Grigory knew furthermore that it on the barin has influence conclusive. It
Felt it, and it was fair: the artful and obstinate clown, Feodor
- , very firm character "in some things of a life", as he
It was expressed, happened, to own surprise, rather even it is rather weak
Character in some other "life things". And he knew in what, knew and
Was afraid of much. In some things of a life it was necessary to be on the alert, and at
It it was heavy without the true person, and Grigory was the person it.
Even so happened that Feodor Pavlovich many times throughout the
Open-cast mines there could be a bit, and the bit is sick, and Grigory, though always gained each
Time read to it after that manual. But one beating would not frighten
Feodor Pavlovicha: there were the higher cases and even very thin and difficult, when
Feodor Pavlovich and itself not in a condition perhaps would be to define that
Extraordinary requirement in true and the loved one which it it is instant
And incomprehensibly suddenly sometimes started to feel in itself. It were almost
As a malicious insect, Feodor Pavlovich suddenly felt in itself sometimes, drunk
Minutes, spiritual fear and moral concussion, almost so-tell even
Physically responding in its shower. "Soul at me it is exact in a throat it is trembled in
These times ", were used to say by it sometimes. Here during these instants he also loved, that
Beside, on affinity, perhaps though and not in that room, and in a wing, was
Such person betrayed, firm, completely not such as it, not dissolute,
Which at least it this made dissipation both saw, and knew all secrets,
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