Network Data with Shadow Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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To unprecedented progress in a political life, as well as in the economic.
The national states have been consolidated; the right of participation in elections
It is expanded; on change to absolute monarchies have come republican and
The democratic governments; lawyers were engaged in reforming of the right and in
Many cases have reached good results; prisons have been reformed; were
Free public schools are created; the international relations have been improved
So that between 1815 and 1914 years Europe did not know the big wars;
Safety of a life and the property of citizens increased in process of growth
Are reached by means of improbably low taxes. Effectiveness of the government
It was appreciated in itself, and it, undoubtedly, was the contribution to increase
Material well-being and safety of a life.
The organisation
Within the limits of a political discourse of a problem of the economic organisation
Were considered from the point of view of what kind activity should be
Organised and what - is not present. This approach assumes existence
The unique form of the organisation - command, as in army, in some
The political and religious organisations constructed on the hierarchical
Relations between heads and subordinates. The economic theory
Uses other concept of the organisation, wide enough to cover
Almost all kinds of economic activities, and assuming a question, as
It is necessary to organise this or that activity, instead of - whether it is necessary here
The organisation or not. The preliminary explanation of this distinction can appear
Useful to those who believes inappropriate to think of the organisation only in
Terms of hierarchical submission.
Economic it assumes that all kinds of economic activities
Are organised. So, buyers and sellers in the markets collectively choose the purposes,
Distribute functions between set of people and remunerate those who
Promotes success. Even obviously simple economic problem like delivery of eggs
By a breakfast assumes a network of interactions between thousand people in the different
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