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Tags: get image info, button icon maker, plus minus icons, scribe image, quokka images
Waves twenty six times. Waves went from the different parties - and from Aleutian
Islands, as ours, both from Japanese, and from Kamchatka, from Philippines, from
Last wave on time was in November, 1938. Average speed
Course of waves it is estimated approximately from three hundred to five hundred sites.
Interested seamen have set to Davidov many questions, and conversation
It would be tightened at some o'clock if change of watches has not dispersed
Meeting. The professor still for a long time walked up and down under an awning canopy, frowning and
Bending a lip in intense meditation.
Instant destruction of perfect island has scarred
In a shower of the scientist. And almost all questions, set to it seamen, somehow
Coincided with a direction of its own thoughts. It is necessary to know not
This process develops. What reasons there, in the heart of the Earth, call
These slow mighty movements compressing huge thicknesses of breeds in
The folds which are sticking out all of them above on a surface of the Earth? With what
Insignificant data we have about depths of our planet, about
Substance status there, about physical or chemical processes,
Made under pressure in millions atmospheres, under
Enough insignificant molecular regroupings,
Insignificant increase in volume of these unimaginable weights, that on the thin
To film of earth crust known to us there were enormous shifts, that
The bark broken on pieces, has been lifted on tens in kilometre in
Height. However we know that such strong shifts and shocks not
Happens, means, the substance in a planet is in quiet,
The counterbalanced status.
Only from time to time, with intervals in millions the years, any
Rocks are softened, rumpled by strips, belts in folds,
All this, crumpled and crushed, sticks out on a surface the huge
Action of water and atmosphere dismembers a shaft on systems of river valleys
And mountain ridges, forming that we name highlands.
The most surprising that the volcanic centres and these zones it
Breeds lie down rather superficially - on some tens
Kilometres from a terrestrial surface, while the central parts
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