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Tags: neatimage noise, image streching, loch ness monster images, wedding reception images, gunslinger images
Athenians, - are not present, it is simple it, is very dark-bronze, with an impurity
The African blood ". A black priestess without a grid, bracelets, a belt and a knife
There was absolutely young woman with enormous dark blue eyes, in which all
The dark persistence, as well as at other priestesses was reflected. Its hair were twisted
Small curls, round cheeks seemed gentle, as at the child. Only
Very complete semiopened lips and print obvious to Tais big
To sensuality on all its young and already female powerful body said that
Great Mother.
Looking at blue-eyed black Eris, Tais has recollected Ethiopians with dark blue
Eyes, highly valued in Egypt and occurring from very far-away country
Behind upper courses of Nile. The free door-keeper could be the daughter such
The negress and the person of a light skin.
The Athenian has risen, has approached to Eris and has stroked it on shoulders. Black
Priestess has shuddered and has suddenly nestled to Tais with such force that that nearly
Has fallen and has clasped a hand a camp of Eris.
- You as if from a stone! - Tais has with astonishment exclaimed. - All of you, whether that,
The such?
- All! A body from a stone and copper heart! - the girl has suddenly told on
- About, you have started talking! But at you heart of the woman, not it! - has told
- also has kissed Eris. That has begun to tremble, hardly considerably having sobbed. It, whispering
Soothing words, ordered to go to bed to it. The girl has shown the door,
Applying a finger to lips. It has understood that it should make the way to a lattice
Behind any very important thing while there will not chain other door-keeper.
The hetera and black priestess have silently slightly opened a door, and Eris, having listened,
Has slipped in impenetrable darkness. It has returned, has carefully locked
Bolts. In her hand the sacred dagger of priestesses of Night shone a gold handle.
- has knelt and has put a dagger to feet of Tais, then
Has touched with it the eyes, lips and heart. Through, some instants
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