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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: fashion designer style icon cheats, icon board shop, www fashion icon com, changing desktop icon, sru8010 icon

Previously having cursed properly. If not I will be paid back in kind, means - the robot!

- Not so necessarily. Perhaps he simply will not want to infringe Discipline. Or will recollect your pistol. And can be, this person At all who does not contact those below its growth.

- Cease, Lakki! - Bigmen, having taken offence, has kept silent for about a minute, and then

Has started talking again. - I all think: why you so are assured, what the robot here? And

If it remained on Jupiter-9?

- It is theoretically possible. But I do not doubt that it among us. - - has thoughtfully leant against a cot. - yes, in the first day of our stay On Ninth something has occurred...

- What?!

- If I knew, Bigmen! To tell more truly, I know, but it has left somewhere

Deep into, in subconsciousness. I can not pull out in any way. On the Earth a problem easily

It would be allowed by means of psychosounding, but here... I have tried all,

That could, and today, talking to Pennerom, there, below, I concerned on Possibilities of all aspects of business, believing that I can touch this it

Thought - but all is vain. If I only could though to touch it is to the robot

It sounded almost desperately. Never Bigmen saw on the person of the friend

Such hopelessness.

- it, give we will have a sleep.

- it, give.

Already falling asleep, Bigmen has silently asked:

- it and why you are assured, what I not the robot?

- Because it never would guess to construct the robot with Such repellent appearance, - has whispered Lakki and has exhibited an elbow Towards to a flying pillow.

There were days. Halfway to Jupiter they passed internal, less Populated zone of small companions from which have been numbered only

The sixth, the Seventh and the Tenth. Jupiter-7 was brightly shone, the others were lost on

Background of constellations.

Jupiter has considerably increased and as the Sun was behind "Great - ", looked a bright plate, the truth to the Moon did not hold out - it Received almost in 30 times of less light.

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