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Tags: 880i icons, psp9 icon, despised icon album, icon livejournals, icon sport to hell and back
- Tell "Oldest". Or you prefer not to speak at all about It?
- I would prefer not to discuss at all it, but I have asked you a question.
- I am assured that its people have reached the present world, having immigrated
From the Oldest.
- As well as we, - it is proud Lizalor has told.
- But its people have some traditions, which, as she said,
Are a key to understanding of the Oldest but only if we find it and
Let's study its records.
- She lies.
- Probably, but we should check up it.
- If you have a woman with its problematic knowledge, and if you
Wish to reach the Oldest with its help, what for you have come on Komporellon?
- To learn a site of the Oldest. I had a friend, as well as I
Me that many stories about the Oldest well-known on Komporellone.
- Really? And he has told to you any of these stories?
- Yes, - Treviz has told, again addressing to the truth. - he said that
The oldest is dead, entirely the radioactive world. He did not know, why, but
Thought that it can be result of nuclear explosions. Probably, war.
- No! - Lizalor has exclaimed.
- No, that is there was no war? Or the Oldest is not radioactive?
- It is radioactive, but not because of war.
- Whereas it became radioactive? It could not be radioactive with
The beginning as on it the human life has arisen. In it
Case there there would be no life.
it has, seemingly, begun to hesitate. It has risen, breathing deeply, almost
- It was punishment. It was the world which used robots. You
Know, what robots exist?
- Yes.
- They had robots and for it have been punished. Each world which had
Robots, has been punished and does not exist any more.
- And who has punished them, Lizalor?
- The one who Punishes, Forces of history. I do not know. - she has looked away in
The party, then has told, having lowered a voice: - Ask others.
- I also wish to make it but whom me to ask? Is on Komporellone
The people studying primitive history?
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