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Full: collecting and library preservation. Economic section of this library Should be carried to three or four best meetings, ever

Belonging to the private person. In the article in International Encyclopedia of the

Social Sciences Hayek writes that in 1911 Menger evaluated size

Libraries approximately in 25 thousand volumes. - it. It. but besides the economic

Books, there there were almost so rich collections ethnographic and philosophical

Literatures. After his death the large part of this library, including all Economic section, has departed to Japan, and it is now saved as separate Meeting in library of school of an economic theory in Tokyo (now university - ). Only in economic section of the published catalogue Is more than 20 thousand names. [Including some portraits - Katalog der Carl Menger-Bibliothek in der Handelsuniversitat Tokyo, Erster Teil, Sozialwissenchaften (Tokyo: Bibliothek der Handelsuniversitat,

1926), and Katalog der Carl Menger-Bibliothek in der Hitotsubashi Universitat,

vol. 2 (Tokyo: Bibliothek der Hitotsubashi University, 1955). Professor Emil

Kauder in two essays "Menger and his Library", in Economic Review, Hitotsubashi

University, vol. 10, 1959, and "Aus Mengers nachgelassenen Papieren", in

Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 89, 1962, analyzes hand-written paragraphs on

Fields of some books from the Mengerovsky library, throwing some light on

Development of some its ideas. With its help university Hitotsubashi library in 1961

Following names: "Carl Mengers Zusatze zu Grubsatze der Volkwirtschaftlehre ", and itCarl Mengers erster Entwurf zu seinem Hauptwerk "Grundcatze", geschrieben als Anmerkungen zu den "Grundsatzen der

Volkwirtschaftslehre "von Karl Heinrich Rauit.
Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Hayek writes about these notes: "Recent

<1963> publication of notes from 1870 to the book of Rau gives the grounds for

Conclusion that Menger has developed the theory of values analyzing it Exposition of the classical doctrine. In the German and French economic

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