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MP3-Player Icon Images

MP3-Player Icon

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MP3-Player icon
MP3-Player Icon
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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: limbeck buddy icon, dont give a fuck icons, new customer icon, buuf icon, wkn chicas icon

1. To a variable-parametre initial value is assigned;

2. The iteration body is fulfilled;

3. The variable-parametre automatically increases on 1 (in the first case of a format);

4. If the parametre exceeds finite value there is a loop termination, differently - transition to item 2.

The note: at usage Downto parametre automatically Decreases on 1, and loop termination occurs when parametre Becomes less than finite value.

Thus, unlike first two sorts of a cycle, this cycle is used when the necessary quantity of executions of an iteration body is known.

Generally speaking, the cycle "While" is universal, that is any task demanding usage of a cycle, can be solved with application of this structure. Cycles "To" and "With parametre" are created for convenience of programming.


To find the sum of squares of all natural numbers from 1 to 100.

Let's solve this task with usage of all three sorts of cycles.

I. With cycle usage "While". Program Ex1; Var

A: Integer;

S: Longint; Begin

A: = 1; S: = 0;

While A <=100 Do

Begin S: = S+A*A;

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You can buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $1 when purchased individually.

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Web Icon Library Your web pages will be more current and attractive with Web Icon Library. Color formats include Windows XP and 8-bit formats. Available sizes are 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48.

Desktop Device Icons Desktop Device Icons are good to be used in private desktop enhancement, for software icons, or toolbar icons. This set has it all, from 256x256 Vista sized images to 16x16 toolbar icons.

Job Icon Set Your project will look more modern and attractive with Job Icon Set. Color schemes presented are Windows XP and 8-bit formats. Provided sizes are 16x16, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 and 256x256.

Classic Hardware Icon Set Hardware Icon Set is a library of hardware related icons, available in ICO, PNG, BMP and GIF formats and 16x16, 24x24 and 32x32 sizes. The collection contains both 32-bit and 256-color icons.

Free Business Desktop Icons Free Business Desktop Icons is a pack of 10 stock icons to be used in commercial and personal products, such as software, websites, blogs, and presentations. The images are free for personal, frequent and commercial use.