Electric Guitar Icon
Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO
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Tags: ubuntustudio icon, making icon file, icon freedownload, phone icons, southern girl icons
- But you have not got, - Konvej has told. - Despite all risk, you Has failed.
- Unfortunately, the pirates who have seized "Atlas", have appeared too
Are suspicious, and can, are too clever. I will try further not
To underestimate them. But not all is lost. We know now that behind them Sirius.
And still - at us my friend the eremite.
- It will not help us, - Konvej has told. - Under your story leaves,
That he tried to have as less as possible affairs with pirates. What can he know?
- Perhaps, he will tell to us more than itself considers possible, -
Has coldly objected Varnishes. - for example, he has informed us something allowing
To continue efforts on penetration in the organisation.
- You will not go again, - have hasty declared Konvej.
- I also do not gather, - have told Varnishes. Eyes of Konveja were narrowed.
- And where Bigmen?
- On Tserere. Do not worry. In effect, - an anxiety shade
Has flown on the person Varnishes, - it should be here. Its delay
Starts me to disturb.
John Bigmen Dzhonz by means of the special admission passed protection
Control tower. Muttering something, he did not run nearly on a corridor. On slightly
The reddened snub-nosed person freckles, the short reddish are not become visible
Hair stuck out, as a wire fence. Varnishes were said often by Bigmenu that
That carries a vertical hairstyle to seem above, but Bigmen always
Furiously it denied. It has crossed a photo-electric beam, and a door before it
Has revealed. It has entered inside and has looked round.
Persons on duty was three. One with ear-phones sat at the subradio receiver,
Other - at the computer, the third - at the convex screen. It has asked:
- Who from you, cranky, named me the Pudge?
All three have simultaneously turned to it with astonished faces.
The person with ear-phones has removed one of them from the left ear.
- Who, for the sake of space, you such? How you here have got?
it it was straightened and has straightened the small breast.
Copyright © 2006-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
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