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Personal thrift at all does not mention the general economic
Savings "companies, but only defines, what share of the general savings will be
To be carried out by me or someone other. We will show, how thrift of one
Company parts forces its other part to live outside the limits of its income (190)
... The majority of modern economists denies that consumption can
Sometimes to be insufficient. Whether we can find any acting
Economic force which could induce company to such excessive
Thrift and if there are such forces, whether that supplies the mechanism
Trade of constraining influence? We will show, first, that in each
Which, naturally, induces to excessive thrift, and secondly that
Ostensibly mortgaged in the mechanism of trade of "brake" or at all
Act, or are insufficient for prevention of a large damage to trade
(191)... The Short answer which has given Rikardo on assertions of Maltusa and
- , apparently, has been accepted by the majority of the latest economists as
Quite sufficient. "Production is always purchased for production or services.
Money is only the tool by means of which the exchange is carried out. Therefore
The production increase is always accompanied by respective increase
Abilities to acquisition and consumption, and overproduction to be not
Can ". Ricardo. Principles of Political Economy, p. 362 (192).
it and Memmeri knew that the percent is not that other, as a payment for
Use of money (193). They also well enough knew that them
Opponents will refer to as if there should be "such falling
Norms of percent (or profits) which will constrain savings and
Will restore a correct proportion between production and consumption "(194).
In the answer they indicated that "if profit falling induces people to save up
It is less, it should be shown by two ways - or declining them to spend
It is more, or to make less "(195). Concerning the first case they
Proved that if the profit falls, all income of company decreases, and
"We do not suppose, that when the income average falls, people
Tested prompting to consumption increase only because the award for
Thrift has accordingly decreased ". As to the second
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