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It strongly contrasts with a position Grew dim, according to which all transactions occur within the limits of corresponding sequence the price-time. On Grew dim brokers have allowed institutsio-cash to take itself in hostages. After an interdiction of double trade in unique earnings of brokers there was an execution of orders for commission fee. Therefore on Grew dim during fast and an ox-tilnogo of the market when the prices become asynchronous, the broker seldom occupied a transaction opposite side in interests svo -
Its client. Therefore the best protection of brokers are records the price-time. The conclusion of transactions under the prices, seeming abnormal, can help the broker Grew dim to put clients in a stalemate. However updating of exchange record the price-time with registration of the executors which integrity can be never compromised for this purpose is required.
I will result a typical example of the challenged price on a floor Grew dim. We will tell, the broker exposes the offer on sale on 50 but before it can execute this transaction, demand for other end of a hole rises to 60. It is informed on the transaction on 60 that is fixed in informed public of tseno-time record. After that the market breaks and falls on 200 or 300 points. Seeing the message on the transaction on 60, the client of the broker calls on a trading table and demands, that its order have executed under this price. The problem that when the market already is much below this level to receive execution on 60 it is impossible. After that the broker has three variants. He can explain to the client, what is it not the negligence, and simply the transaction could not be executed on 60; however in the future it can cost to the broker of loss of the given client. The broker could give to the client execution on 60, having covered a difference with a current market price from an own pocket. Or the broker can challenge the price 60, even despite fulfilment of transactions and the message on them under this price.
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