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As we have pushed aside obstacles from Stanley's way: the analysis of one case
Today continually there is a necessity to consider personal features of the personnel as it is frequent the heads who do not have equal in resource management, usually not too skilfully communicate with employees.
Here a case of the director of aviation factory which we will name as Stanley. On Stanley's ENTJ type, and it could not make in any way so that its subordinates worked together and did not compete with each other. Even they could transform elementary questions into an occasion to a race for power, and the most ordinary processes turned to the never-ending fights complicating achievement of the purposes, put before company department.
Stanley has addressed to us, wishing to learn, whether it achievements will help with business of lifting of fruitful command spirit to it. «Anybody to anybody does not have affairs; everyone pulls a blanket on itself(himself), — Stanley has told to us. — and certainly, anybody does not have affairs before, than our company is engaged. One employees can disappear for a week before others will notice that someone does not suffice, covering them. Whether I can with the help it return job in a normal channel?»
Stanley's command:
26 %
3 %
9 %
14 %
3 %
23 %
3 %
3 %
14 %
We have asked Stanley to allow to spend to us one day together with it and its group. In the appointed day it has called the command which totaled thirty five persons, beginning from the personnel of technical support and finishing assistants to the higher rank. For us it there was a usual day: having studied each of them by means of the Indicator of types Myers-Briggs, all of us acquainted them morning with it, and applied its achievements in activity of working groups in the afternoon.
That day was improbably successful as the new knowledge received by this people about to themselves and, the main thing, about their individual distinctions has led to lifting of collective enthusiasm. Having done all it with various groups, we have brought types of all members of collective in the Table of types which is placed here. As it is easy to notice, one types are presented there much while others do not meet almost. The first sight at the table allows to understand that the collective has substantially appeared logiko-rational (two these preferences meet at 71 % of employees). If to speak about owners of one only logic preference them there was ninety one percent, and it have made 80 %. And only three members of collective have appeared it.
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