Book-Keeping Icon
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Tags: small map icon, icon free, icons bunny, launchbar hide dock icon, ie7pro icon
Cease to understand a difference between imagination and the validity, they become
Serious hindrance on a way to improvement of environmental conditions of existence.
Most harmful of all errors - illusion that "nature" has allocated
Each person the certain rights. Under this doctrine the nature -
It is benevolent and generous to any, born on light. All have enough of all.
Hence, each has an inalienable law to require from near and from
Companies all share intended to it by the nature. Eternal laws
Natural and divine justice require, that nobody pirated
To itself of that by right belongs to other. Poor drag the pity
Existence only because injust people have deprived of all of them the blessings,
Intended by it on a birth. Problems of the church and secular authorities - not
To admit a similar robbery and, thus, to make all rich and
The happy.
This theory is incorrect from the beginning and up to the end. The nature at all does not distribute the blessings
To the right and on the left, it, on the contrary, is very avaricious. It has limited quantity of all
Necessary for maintenance of a human life. It has occupied the Earth animals
And plants, at which aspiration to harm to a human life and health
Is congenital. It has at the order of force and the elements dangerous for
The person. Only thanks to the ability to use the basic tool given
To it the nature, that is reason, the person could survive and achieve well-being.
Riches as which visionaries-romanticists consider as free gift of the nature, in
The validity it is won by the people co-operating in the general system of division
Work. As to "distribution" of these riches, it would be ridiculous to refer
On any divine or natural concept of justice. Has put here not
It is reduced to distribution of a share from the general fund represented the person
The nature. It is a question of without delay developing those social institutes,
Which allow to continue and expand production of all necessary
To the person.
The world Advice of Churches, the ecumenical organisation of Protestant Churches,
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