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Tags: html image overlay, eplans com image gallery, windows image viewer, loadimage image_icon, multiracial images
They did not resist, they did not try to delay at all the death, having let
Has for certain seized a hand of the murderer, beggarly muttering: "only not
Now, please, only not now! "I was shaken by trustful courage
These people: they looked at me with strange hope - and I thought that in
Their eyes there should be a hatred to the person who could present it
Life, but and has not made it on any flimsy, to anybody plainly
Not to the clear reasons... In some minutes all was over: two dozens
The bodies spoilt with illness motionlessly lay on a mosaic flooring of the Crest
- , and I sat next, stupidly having stared in one point. From me by this moment
Remains not too much - only the tired body which has temporarily lost
Ability to realise an event, and it was the greatest gift of destiny!
- You and itself have consulted, yes? - Sir Kofa has sympathetically asked. Its voice
Has introduced me from saving catalepsy. I have lifted a head, have looked at it
The tired person also has understood that is simply obliged to smile: unpleasant impressions
Now and so sufficed, what the hell he still should look the melancholy
Pantomime on the subject of "sir Max in a complete prostration"!
- You know, what I blood-thirsty... Has caused you what for, and then
Has kept without work! But it is all the same good that you here. I already half an hour cannot
To force itself to look away from this wonderful show - that can be
Better, than many dead bodies on the bridge! Perhaps, your power
Will suffice to take me by the scruff of the neck and to push in it?
- Better I will take you to the house. - Kofa has sighed. - I do not think that from
You the good driver will now be received.
- Too so it not seems to me. - I Have agreed. - Kofa, you will worry, if
I will ache all road? To me extremely was impatient to unburden the heart, and...
- And in the ending to hear from me, what you have correctly made all? Well so it
I can tell to you right now, what for postpone! - Kofa Has grinned. -
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