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Tags: jeffhardy images, shankly images, dan dare images, imagemagic com, world best image

In it come to the Threshold and standing in noble fearless reflexion.

The song has mentioned also the youth still very far from the Threshold of Destiny. A shade

It has laid down on ardent pleasure it, as a sign on the termination of a holiday.

In steams and groups visitors disappeared in a moonlight night. Have gone out it between

Portico of an input and hall for a feast. It and Eris were lifted, thanking owners.

- You visitors of our city, - the master of the house has told, - deign

To have a rest here, under our shelter. The hotel is far from Sacred road, and

Already late.

- The worthy owner, you at all do not know, who we, - has answered the Athenian, -

We were without the invitation. We were resulted violently by your friends. They were

Are lovely, and it would not be desirable to offend them...

- In vain you think that inhabitants of Patosa do not know Tais, - has grinned

The owner, - even if we also have not heard about you, enough your beauty and

Behaviour on it. Visiting of my house you and your regal The girlfriend - a holiday. Prolong it, remained on a lodging for the night!

it remained, without suspecting about a main recess of the destiny, what

Prepared for it visiting of the house near coast Kipridy.

Next day, bathing with it and daughters of the owner, the Athenian

Has learnt about a sanctuary of Aphrodite Ambologery. Till now it, as well as many

Athenians, thought that the embodiment of Aphrodite Averting the Old age, is only

One of symbols of the many-sided goddess. Probably, most young of its images,

Similar to statues of hardly blossomed girl from transparent it Pink marble. It was loved by sculptors and forbade in temples the strict Observers of canons.

Here, on Cyprus, the native land of Aphrodite, there was an ancient temple

- , Averting the Old age. He was visited by favourites of the goddess, the wife or

- , equally coming nearer to Great Porogu Vsemateri. Made a sacrifice, Listened to predictions, chose a new life and went home encouraged,

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Download Multimedia Icons for Vista

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