Earth Icon
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What exactly there is created, as there anything is not present, except an ocean bottom under
In several miles of water. For the long life I heard set enough
Wild versions concerning what is created at this bottom... Not
I will trouble myself with their exposition as I know beyond doubt that
There is actually.
- Know? - I have delightfully asked again.
- Aha. - my chief has easy nodded. - a certain indescribable creature there lives
- Probably, even the distant relative of that monster from a gulf of Ishma, which
This winter has appeared in Hurone. It is ready to gobble up each who will be decided
To be declared on its territory... But it spits out some - or somehow
Otherwise throws up from the organism who knows it! - Dzhuffin has meanly giggled
- On its artful smile I have guessed at once, what sort the version at it
Was on this account! - and then again became serious, on my taste, even too.
- What muck! - I have sincerely told. - also that for gingerbreads rely
To the heroes, bravely given for a supper to this starving animal?
- And here "gingerbreads" just it rely the most seductive. -
Dzhuffin has thoughtfully responded. - From a mouth of a monster comes back absolutely
Other person... Or at all the person - to whom as will carry! In general,
It is considered that having visited a womb this creatures, any person finds
Unprecedented power, greatest possible - not in general, and for it personally.
Everyone has own limits, whether know... But even most
To contend almost with Lojso Pondohvoj, as secret possibilities
The person, as a rule, almost it...
- Anything to itself! - With horror I have told. - know, Dzhuffin, seems this
The fidget the earth is going to leave from under my feet!
- I trust. - my chief has nodded. - happiness still what to reach there there is enough
Inconveniently... Besides, in our World not too it is a lot of the madmen ready
To be put in a mouth of an unknown monster for the sake of hypothetical any there
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