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The world...
- Yes, from another, - has firmly told Tents. - and I...
- One minute. All is for the present intelligible. But further already
Becomes improbable. Last achievements of astronomy and astrophysics
Have changed old representations. Many novels have been written on a subject about
Newcomers from other worlds. However, still recent statements
The majority of scientists that our solar system of planets is
Rare phenomenon, are nowadays rejected. Now we have the basis
To assume that many stars have planetary systems. And as
The number of stars in the Universe is infinitely great, also number of the planetary
Systems monstrously. Hence, to consider further that the life is
The exclusive prerogative of the Earth, is not necessary. It is safely possible to tell,
That in the Universe there are manned worlds. I assert not less firmly that
Everywhere the life makes a way of evolutionary development and,
Hence, occurrence of conceiving beings is quite possible. All it
So. But at the same time we know now that distances to
The nearest stars with planetary systems are extremely great. So,
That tens years of flight with speed of a light beam are required, that is
Three hundred thousand kilometres per second. Such speed is not achievable on
To physical laws for any device, and travel with the smaller
In the speeds will transform flight into thousand-year wandering...
Recently dark, invisible stars, which are opened
Are distinguished only on the radio emission. These radio stars in
Vicinities of our solar system it is a lot of, but, first,
All of them are far for achievement by their rocket shells, secondly,
Hardly possess the occupied planets because of weakness of the
The radiation incapable enough to warm a planet.
And in our planetary system, except our Earth, only Mars and
Venus promise. But hopes weak. On Venus it is too hot,
It rotates slowly, its atmosphere is dense and without free oxygen.
Hardly the life could develop on Venus, and is absolutely excluded
Presence there conceiving beings with high culture. As also Mars.
Copyright © 2006-2022 Aha-Soft. All rights reserved.
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Icon Usage Agreement
Instantly enhance your product with readily accessible, professionally created icons. Blue Icon Library contains dozens of images that are created to look strict and stylish.
Add beautifully crafted toolbar icons to your software projects. Program Toolbar Icons are readily available, royalty-free graphics of items, tasks and concepts that are commonly used in software toolbars.
Developing software for hotel industry is quite a challenge, and there is often no time to design GUI for your product. With Standard Hotel Icons you will instantly get all the images you need at an affordable price.
Basic Icons for Vista is a pack of smooth and polished icons designed in the same manner as the original Vista icons. The icons come in two variants: with or without shadows.
Medical Icons for Vista has been created to avoid any misconceptions appearing while viewing a medical webpage or using a medical program. The images are available in various sizes and formats.