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Further, when my Nearh has opened that Indus flows from the mountains very far from
Sources of Nile, and not on the east, and on the south, in ocean. The mouth of Indus lies in
Sun direction. Enormous spaces of a land and the sea divide these two
The rivers, such huge that nobody imagined...
it, calming, has put a hand on a shoulder of Tais. She has shuddered from
Touches of a wise man.
- Alexander was seriously injured fortresses at attack, it was rescued by yours
- also has received for this nickname of Sotera (Savior). They battled with
Set of elephants. It was lost. Then they were lowered downwards to Indus. Army
Has gone through deserts, and Nearh has gone by sea along coast of India, floated
Eighty days and hardly has not died of hunger, and at this time Alexander perished
From thirst in desert. Then Alexander long waited for it in an agreed place,
Whence in Persepolis also there have arrived messengers with news...
All it has blurted out it all at once and has stopped to transfer
it has playfully stirred up Gesionu for shoulders.
- Stay, differently you will be lost, and we learn nothing further. To Eugene
Such naval commander as Nearh, it is necessary to state data in the best order.
Who has told to you all it?
- it, one of assistants to Nearha. He was ill and has been sent with
Caravan forward, in Persepolis, and therefrom has arrived to Babylon to wait for Nearha.
- So where Nearh?
- Conducts fleet to Babylon, and on road obtains a convenient way for
Swimmings to Arabii and Libii.
- One more swimming! - Tais has exclaimed.
- Yes! Alexander wishes to go by sea, more without hoping for cards and
- - the descriptions of the land which has severely deceived it both in Bactria and in India.
- What told you Dejnomah?
- All! It has resulted one it that went with Alexander through
- southeast suburb
Iran and modern northwest Pakistan. Two days and both two nights alternately told about the improbable
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