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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 96x96, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: vista inspirat 2 icons, mame icons, flirty images, peroni images, icon hospitality

To Dmitry Fedorovicha's accounts with its father, Feodor Pavlovichem, have reached

Visible to an impossible point. Relations have become aggravated and became intolerable.

Feodor Pavlovich, apparently, the first and, apparently, joking has suggested thought on, that

To converge all in cells of aged man Zosimy and though and without resorting to direct it

To intermediary, all the same somehow to agree more decently, at what a dignity and

The person of the aged man could have something inspiring and reconciliatory. Dmitry

- , never at the aged man happening and even not not seeing it, certainly

Has thought that its aged man wish to frighten as though; but as it and itself reproached

Itself secretly for many especially sharp tricks in dispute with the father for the last

Time has accepted a call. By the way to notice that he lived not in the house of the father, as

Ivan Fedorovich, and separately, in other end of a city. Here happens that Peter Aleksandrovich Miusov living at this time at us especially has grasped

For Feodor Pavlovicha's this idea. The liberal of fortieth and fiftieth years,

The freethinker and the atheist, it, with boredom can be, and, can be for Thoughtless fun, has taken in this business extreme part. To it suddenly It wanted to look at a monastery and on "sacred". As still Its old disputes with a monastery proceeded and still suit lasted about

To land border of their possession, about any rights of cabin in wood and fish

To catching in small river and so forth it also has hastened to take advantage of it under a pretext

That itself would wish to agree with the abbot to the father: whether it is impossible somehow

To finish their disputes amicably? The visitor with such good intentions

Simply curious. Owing to all these reasons also it could be arranged Some internal influence in a monastery on the sick aged man, in the last

Time almost absolutely not so not leaving a cell and refusing through illness even

To ordinary visitors. Has come to an end that the aged man has agreed, and day

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