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Image sizes: 256x256, 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 16x16
File formats: BMP, GIF, PNG, ICO

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Tags: com imagens e, powerpoint image resolution, group icon image, datacard imagecard express, de soto images

The mednokozhee body of the tsarina of amazons was strapped with a belt from gold small squares with

Short sword, the back was covered with a leopard skin on which took places

Onions and quiver in a frame of the long golden plaits which were falling down from under

- a helmet that together with a low peak gave to it aggressive and

Unshakable kind. On the left hand, over an elbow bend, the amazon bore a board with

The image of the gold falcon of the Pick in the centre.

On a step behind the tsarina other amazon went on an is dark-ashy mare, Black, in a silver helmet, with silver arms. In the centre of its board The silver snake coiled, and from under a helmet wild dark blue eyes burnt, Attentive and bad. In the right hand the black amazon kept The short silvered spear. Its horse touched feet, squatted, Dancing, waved the tail decorated with silver threads.

Alexander with commanders and amazons slowly went through crowds

The people to southern suburb Persepolisa. There, on a smooth plot of steppe,

Have constructed seats and canopies, have levelled a platform for competitions of athletes,

Have made a scene for actors and dancers. It seemed amazing as it is fast The conjurers, the well-known musicians and acrobats have gathered here...

At a crossroads of two big streets notable Persians were allocated with diversity

Clothes and absence of women. The well-founded townswomen who have been wrapped up in lungs

Coverlets, pressed close to walls of houses and fencings, and slaves, advancing men,

Hardly did not climb under hoofs. The Persian nobility delightfully considered

Excellent horses and majestic horsemen of an imperial environment.

- Look! - the person has exclaimed high, an aggressive kind, addressing To the friend which features issued an impurity of the Indian blood. - I

Considered that the legend about amazons is false at least because they should be

- And now you have understood that landing of amazons...

- Absolutely other!

- Yes, their shins are not lowered, and lie on a back of a horse, you have hardly bent in

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