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Tags: images of hurricane andrew, mary magdalene image, plague images, table background image width, imagecfg exe vista

-- That briefly, - resting on each word, the father has spoken again

- : - under other theories which have been too found out in our nineteenth century,

The church should regenerate in the state, as from the lowest in the higher

Kind that then in it to disappear, having conceded to a science, a spirit of the age and

Civilisations. If does not want that and resists, it is taken away to it in

The state for that as though corner some only, and that under supervision, - and

It everywhere presently in the modern European earths. On Russian

It is necessary to understanding and a hope, that not the church regenerated in the state,

As from the lowest in the higher type, and opposite the state should terminate that,

To be honoured to become unique only church and anything other more. This and

Awake, awake!

-- Well-with, I admit, you have a little encouraged me now, - Miusov has grinned,

Having shifted again a foot on a foot. - how many I understand, it, so, Realisation of any ideal infinitely far, in the second coming. It somehow. Fine utopian dream of disappearance of wars,

Diplomats, banks and so forth Something even similar to a socialism. And that I thought,

That it it is serious, and that the church, for example, will judge now

Criminal act and to sentence birches and penal servitude, and perhaps and the death penalty.

-- Yes if and now there was only one tserkovno-public court, and now

The church would not send on penal servitude or on the death penalty. A crime and

Sight at it should were then to be changed undoubtedly, certainly

It is not enough-on-malu, not suddenly and not now, but however it is fast enough... - it is quiet

And not it an eye Ivan Fedorovich has said.

-- You it is serious? - Miusov has steadfastly looked at it.

-- If it became church the church would separate from itself criminal and

Disobedient, instead of would cut then goals, - Ivan Fedorovich continued. - I

You I ask, where the separated would go? After all then it should not Only from people as now, but also from the Christ to leave. After all it the Crime would rise not only on people, but also on church Christ's. It

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