Army Icon
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Which chief of signs of Tais also will wait even a half-month. If Ptolemej with
Alexander will not appear to this term, it is necessary to float in Elladu.
To seem among rough Macedonian commanders. She has kissed the letter with
Tenderness. It wrote about a campaign through hot steppe - the sea high
The grass which have already faded from summer dryness. They went and went day after day,
All leaving for horizon infinitely spread on the east further. Vague
The fear disturbed all and even Alexander. It saw, how long
The fixture in its tent burnt at the nights. The commander conferred with scouts,
Read descriptions - it. Gradually Alexander rejected an army way
More to the left, further to the north. Conductors have convinced him of fast approach still
- heats. The grass will burn out, and small small rivers and streams, while will dry up in
Prosperity supplying an army water. Thirty five thousand persons now went
For Alexander, but here, in immense plains of Asia, the commander for the first time
Has felt that for these open spaces its army is insignificant. Hot winds blew
Towards breath of the disastrous deserts stretched behind steppe. As a demon,
Dust whirlwinds rushed, and on horizon hot air as though raised
The earth over muddy blue lakes of illusive water.
When have turned on the north, the grass became above and more densely, and yellow-muddy
Small rivers have accepted grey colour. There was a Moon total eclipse. (As it
Has passed it? - Tais) has thought. Aware people have announced that army
Has come to the country where Empress Zverej reigns. All - heavenly, terrestrial and
Underground, that which is called by Ashtoret, Kibeloj or the Yard, and it consider
Still Artemis or Gekatoj. If it appears astride a lion, all not
To pass itdestructions.
Alexander has addressed to soldiers with speech, convincing not to be afraid. He knows
Foreordained beforehand also wages them by the end of war and infinite treasures...
it read between lines Ptolemeja - the born writer - new,
Feeling unfamiliar before to Macedonians. This feeling most likely was
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