Aeroplane with Shadow Icon
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Tags: pdf image magic, copyright your image, chongqing images, will smith images, imagenes microscopicas
Have forgotten, and she was turned back in the burning house while it was possible, with it
The purpose to pull out from the angular closet which still have escaped, the feather-bed.
Choking in a smoke and shouting from heat because the closet, it has lighted up also
- very much tried to push through the glass beaten out in a frame
Decrepit hands the feather-bed. It has rushed to it to the aid. All saw,
As it has run up to a window, has grasped a corner of a feather-bed and very much became
To pull it from a window. As ill-luck would have it from a roof has flied during this moment
The broken out board also has struck in the unfortunate; it has not killed him, having touched only on
To summer the end after a neck, but Andrey Antonovicha's field has come to an end, at least
At us; blow has knocked it down, and it has fallen without memory.
There has come at last a gloomy, gloomy dawn. The fire has decreased; after a wind
The silence has come suddenly, and the small slow rain, as has then gone through
Sieve. I already was in other part of Zarechja, is far from that place where has fallen
- , and here in crowd has heard very strange conversations. There was one
The strange fact: absolutely on the brink of a quarter, on waste ground, behind kitchen gardens, not less
As in fifty steps from other structures, there was one, just
The built up small wooden house and this lonely house has lighted up
Nearly before everything, at the beginning of a fire. If also has burnt down, for
In distance could not transmit fire to any of urban structures, and
Back, - if has burnt down it Zareche one this house could escape,
Even at any wind. Left that it has flared separately and
Independently and so not it. But the main thing consisted that
To burn down it was not in time, and in it, by a dawn, the surprising have been found out
Affairs. The owner of this new house, the petty bourgeois living in nearest it,
Has just seen a fire in the new house, has rushed to it and was in time it
To defend, having scattered by means of neighbours the lighted fire wood combined at the lateral
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