Volume Down Icon
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Tags: net upload image to server, email this image, image volee, images of pebbles, of the heart icon
- No, I never could learn, that you want; it seems to me that you
Be interested in me as other obsolete nurses are interested for some reason or other
One any patient rather before other, or it is even better as
Others prayerful it, unsteady on funeral, prefer others
- You are very sick? - She including has asked, somehow especially in it
Peering. - my God! And this person wishes to do without me!
- Listen, Dasha, I it see now ghosts. One imp offered me
Yesterday on the bridge to kill Lebjadkina and Marju Timofevnu to settle with mine
Legal marriage, and the ends that in water. To the deposit asked three one rubles, but has given
Clearly to know that all operation will cost not less as one and a half thousand. Here
- But you are firmly assured, what it was a ghost?
- About, no, absolutely not a ghost! It simply was Fedka-unbearable,
The robber running from penal servitude. But matter is not in volume; as you think that I
Has made? I have given it all my money from a purse, and it now is perfect
It is assured that I have issued it the deposit!.
- You have met at its night, and he has made your such proposal? Yes really you
Do not see that you around are braided by their network!
- Well let them. And know, at you one question, I on your eyes spins
- was frightened.
- The question at all is not present also doubts at all is not present any, be silent better! -
She has exclaimed is disturbing, as though waving away from a question.
- That you are assured, what I will not go to Fedke to a shop?
- About, my God! - it it hands, - for what you so torment me?
- Well, forgive me my silly joke. Should be, I adopt from them bad
Manners. Know, I since yesterday's night awfully would like to laugh, it
To laugh, continuously, long, it is a lot of. I am precisely charged by laughter... Chu! Mother
Has arrived; I learn on knock when its carriage stays at a porch.
- has seized his hand.
- Yes god from your demon will save you and... Call, call me more soon!
Cold, from the unfortunate. And after all you, Dasha, again do not dare to speak
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