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Tags: image rollover effects, image studion, icon presale, black image, web images videos
- They have passed through an arterialno-venous fistula, the Sir. They Cannot move further. They ask of the permission on Extraction, the Sir.
Carter has rested both hands against a table.
- No! A thunder and a lightning, no!
- But, the general, they are right, - Spot-check has told.
Carter has looked on it time. It showed 51.
Carter it shivering lips:
- They have 51 minute, and they remain there 51 minute.
Code this piece will stand on zero, we will take away them therefrom.
One minute earlier if only mission is not finished.
- But it is hopeless, oh, damn. One man's guess is as good as another's
Their ship has how much suffered. We will kill 5 persons.
- Can be. They risk, and we risk. But let will be
It is written clearly down that we have not receded, while remained at least
Insignificant chance of success.
Spot-check eyes became cold, even moustaches have bristled up.
- The general, you think of record in your track record.
If they die, the Sir, I will testify that you have left them in
Desperate situation.
- I all the same will risk, - Carter has told. - and now tell
To me - you after all are responsible for medical department - why they not
Can move.
- They cannot return back through a fistula against
Currents. It is physically impossible, how much orders you not
Gave. The size of pressure of blood is not under the control
- Why they cannot find other way?
- All ways from their present position to a blood clot conduct through
Heart. Turbulence of a current in the warm channel during the moment
Will carry them on pieces. We cannot so to risk.
- We...
- We cannot not only because of human lives, though and
It is enough this reason. If the ship is broken, we
Never we will manage to take it completely from a body, and it
If we take therefrom people now, we can try
To operate with Benesha outside.
- It is hopeless.
- But not how our present situation.
Any time Carter reflected. Then it has said in low tones:
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