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She has whispered Shatovu, continuing to consider it it with the same extreme

Curiosity and especially it it on a head.

- You the military man? - The old woman has addressed to me, with it me so is ruthless

Has thrown Liza.

- No, I serve...

- Mister it-it Stepan Trofimovicha's great friend, - has responded immediately

- Serve at Stepan Trofimovicha? Yes after all and it the professor?

- Ah, mum, to you it is true also it is acted in film in the professor at night, - with disappointment Liza has shouted.

- There is too enough and in reality. And you are eternal that mothers to contradict. You

Here, when Nikolay Vsevolodovich came, were, four years ago?

I answered that was.

- And the Englishman here was any together with you?

- No, was not.

- has laughed.

- And you see, as there was no absolutely an Englishman, so, it. And the Barbarian

- and Stepan Trofimovich both say lies. And all say lies.

- It it and yesterday Stepan Trofimovich have found as if similarity at Nikolay

Says that there was no Englishman, - has explained us Liza.

- If Harry was not, and the Englishman was not. One Nikolay Vsevolodovich

- I assure you that it is mum purposely, - has found necessary to explain to Shatovu Liza, -

It it is very good about Shakespeare knows. I read Othello's first certificate to her; but

She very much suffers now. Mum, hear, twelve hours beats, to you It is time to accept a medicine.

- The doctor has arrived, - there was in the doorway a parlourmaid.

The old woman has half-risen and has started to call the doggie: "Zemirka, Zemirka, we will go though you

With me ".

The nasty, old, small doggie of Zemirka did not obey and has climbed under Sofa where Liza sat.

- You do not want? And I do not want you. Farewell, the father, I do not know your name,

Patronymics, - she has addressed to me.

- Anton Lavrentevich...

- Well it it is equal, at me in one ear and out the other. Do not see off Me, Mauritius Nikolaevich, I only Zemirku called. Thank God also I go, and tomorrow to walk I will go.

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